Freemasonry uses extensively rituals, formalized texts, full of symbolism in order to give some acts more depth.

The most important form of rituals, used in Freemasonry are the Initiation rituals, with which candidates are initiated into Freemasonry or are progressed into a higher degree or order. In these texts we find the symbolical background of that degree or order, but also the secret pass-words, tokens and grips.

Besides the initiation rituals there are some others in use, so called additional rituals, for instance marriage or burial ceremonies.

The texts of all these rituals is strictly regulated by the Grand Lodges or Supreme Orders; the individual lodges are not allowed to make their own adjustments.

Order of Mark Master Masons

Advancement & Installation Ceremony is now fully available to the registered users for free.

You will find the full ritual of Advancement Ceremony (Mark Ritual No.1) and Installation Ceremony (Mark Ritual No.2) ready to be enrolled. It will also be available on mobile apps by end of January 2024
Click here

We are constantly working and expanding order masonic orders.
You will soon be able to download all Masonic Rituals on this website.
Please visit again soon.